Sarah Naigaga

Age 26

Gender Female

Grade Higher Level 3

District Bugiri

Sarah is beautiful young woman with a huge heart! Her mother, Juliette, is one of our key volunteers in ROWAN. Juliette is HIV+ and a recent widow. She speaks openly about her life and encourages everyone around her. This young girl has an amazing mother - she just needs your friendship and support to help her through school! She is in her third and final year of nursing school - let's help her be the best nurse she can be!

Update on Sarah!

Published Wed, Apr 04, 18. Written by Kelsey Hargadine.

We couldn't be more proud of Sarah! She is in her third an final year of nursing school and doing extremely well. We could not have done it without your support! As she graduates early next year, we hope to bless her with a special gift: a laptop! Any extra gifts you would like to give her will go toward that laptop  (total is $300). We will send it over with a short-term team this year!


Thank you again and next month she will be home in the village to send you updated photos and stories!




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