Lazani Ogweda

Age 10

Gender Female

Grade Primary Level 3

District Bugiri

Lazani is the youngest of six children. She is just beginning primary school and excels in her comprehension of English! Her favorite color used to be yellow but recently decided that she likes green better. Lazani's favorite dish is rice and meat - especially fish. She loves to play football (soccer) and is at school working hard to succeed so that someday she can help her mother to build a good house for the family. Lazani lives with her mother, Madina, who is living with HIV/AIDS, and her father passed away in 2014. Let's come alongside Madina and empower her to love and support Lazani well!


Special message from Lazani:

"I love Rowan and l always pray for it, that God should touch more people to support the suffering orphans in our rural communities because there are many who are suffering. Please pray for us. May God’s love abide you all the time."




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